Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Many meals have past. But I will try to do an update as best as possible.

Friday 1/30 - I made some delicious lean turkey meat balls to go as a side with the yummy rice left over from Bento Cafe. Carrots served as the veggie side.

Monday 2/02 - One of my well liked and over-eaten dishes: pierogies! I found that it goes well paired with creamy vanilla yogurt. I also had some fresh lettuce from the Farmer's Market and Tyson's Anytizers chicken wings on the side.
Tuesday 2/03 - Tilapia Alfredo! The Fettucine and sauce came together in a box but where the directions asked to add chicken I added Tilapia. On the side was a salad of fresh lettuce, grapes, and croutons.
Wednesday 2/04 - Exam day breakfast: Mini Wheats, poptarts sans the icing, and a tangerine. Part of this complete breakfast.

Thursday 2/05 - Need to do groceries. Bought food at school.

Friday 2/06 - Microwavable meal in a bag. The next generation of tv dinners! Sided with lettuce and grapes.

Over the weekend I had some tasty treats...

Monday 2/09 - leftovers

And now today.....

Lentils and Stew chicken sent from home, mixed with rice that I made and mixed vegetables that I heated up.

So the moral of the month is that leftovers are your friends.

It's good to be back.

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